Meet the Committee

Joint Chairs: Sarah and Mary

Manage agendas for meetings and post on group messenger and website

Chair committee meetings and main YLEUK member meetings

Help arrange speakers at main meetings.

Represent YL’s at EUK AGM in May and attend the meeting of sub groups

Write press releases when required (with committee marketing member)

Update members through the forum on any topical news from various sources.

Final approval on new applications

Answer any questions on the forum related to Safeguarding. (Sarah)

Manage focus groups for safeguarding (Sarah)

Help out other committee members if needed eg if someone is on holiday.

Academic: Mel

Manage the academic focus groups

Contribute to academic discussions on the forum

Assist in finding appropriate academic speakers for meetings when appropriate

Social Activities: Anna

Manage Focus Group for Social activities

Organise the training day (helping to identify training/trainers needed/requested by our members and setting up these sessions, keeping our members informed about the training sessions.

Contribute to any aspect of Social Activities/trips on the forum.

Management of doodle poll for registration of meetings/trainings/votes

Marketing: Neil

Planning and organizing the updating website in terms of written content and imagery. Facilitating committee team and members to contribute.

Designing and producing new publicity materials for the fairs and fliers for distribution.

Producing articles on request from trade magazines on the work of the group (in coordination with the Joint Chairs).

Keep up to date with Social media

Nicky: Administrator

New membership enquiries and membership renewals, website maintenance/update, yahoo group moderation, meeting minutes

All members of the committee agree to :

  • attend 2-3 committee meetings per year plus most main member meetings
  • Represent YLEUK at selected trade fairs and negotiating free or subsidized attendance
  • Represent the group to BC
  • Represent/ speak on behalf of  YLEUK at conferences
  • Source and book meeting rooms if required
  • Uphold the reputation and promote YLEUK across the industry